The Importance of the Pre Move Declutter

Moving to a new home gives you an opportunity to start over — in more than one way. Aside from a new neighborhood and new job possibilities, you also get a chance to go through everything you own and decide what goes with you and what stays behind. Broken items, mementos that you don’t care…

Generation Gap

Are you “relevant”? More and more these days, I am feeling irrelevant. Like, I don’t understand today’s slang, today’s music, today’s comedy, or (some of the) outrageous fashions. As an example, I asked google what is trending right now. Here are the top ten: Tiktok ads Oura ring Prime gaming Bokksu Crypto insurance Brightwheel Alivecor…

Spring Cleaning: Clean Up & Clear Out

SPRING CLEANING: CLEAN UP & CLEAR OUT Do you get overwhelmed at the thought of starting your spring cleaning project because everywhere you need to clean there is an abundance of items to remove / relocate first? Have you ever felt like your house still looked dirty after you’ve cleaned it, because it still looks…