There Art Thou Happy

As a preteen growing up I shared a bedroom with my older sister, Lee Anne. She was a fan of Shakespeare. And when the Franco Zeffirelli movie was released, she immediately got the soundtrack and played it every night as we fell asleep. I got to know it well, and could recite most of the…

Downsizing vs. Rightsizing and the Benefits of Both

Downsizing can sometimes be perceived as a negative term. You’ll hear some call the concept rightsizing in the intent to put what they feel is a positive spin on their need or goal to own less, or the RIGHT amount of things. But what is the difference between downsizing and rightsizing and are there benefits…

Before the Movers Arrive

Moving is a major life event. It represents the upheaval not only of our routine, but also of the place where we typically find rest and stability. Still, moving doesn’t have to be a negative experience. Proper planning can help avoid many of the common pitfalls associated with a relocation. PHASE ONE – ANTICIPATION As…