One hundred sixty-eight! That is the total number of hours that you have available in a 7-day week. No matter what you do, you cannot get any more time than that. You can multitask and work hard and fast, but you will still only have 168 hours per week to get things done. How do you spend your time? I bring this up because February is National Time Management Month! I am hoping that by the end of this read, you will have picked up a few tips and tricks to maximize your time management for the remaining ten months of this year. If you already maximize your time, then congratulations are in order. Consider this a virtual pat on your back.
So, what exactly is time management? It’s prioritizing your time to complete those things that are important to you, as well as the ability to use your time productively. Knowing and prioritizing the important things will enable you to use your time most effectively. When you boil all that down, what do you get? Effective use of your time with intentional actions to achieve your goals. A WIN-WIN!
Let’s start with a planner. Do you use a planner? Is it digital or a classic paper version? Is it a hybrid of paper and digital? Do you have more than one? Regardless of whether you use digital or paper, you should only have ONE version that includes all of your planning and appointments.