02) Introduction and Requirements



Where Basic Users typically have viewing rights for various (but not all) commands, Team Lead users will have increased management rights (add/edit/delete). They can enter time on behalf of others, approve hours/expenses/mileage of others, approve invoices, manage vendors and contacts, and create events for the calendar. Team Leaders are higher level users and should also be familiar with the tasks of the Basic User and should consult the Basic User manual.

We’ll start this manual with commands where Team Leads have management rights but Basic Users have only viewing access. We’ll examine only the additional capabilities which Team Leads have.

Each SMMware client has their own URL, of the form of http://company-name.smmware.com. The URL will jointly decided between you and SMMware staff. Your instance of SMMware will look slightly different than the screenshots contained in this manual. Your company logo will appear in the header, and the color scheme will be customized.

Most commands do save directly from the editing screen. But some commands you’ll use do follow a two step process. In those cases, first there is a data entry screen with the fields you can fill out. Second, when you click ‘Next’, or ‘Delete’ to go to the Completion screen, the data is saved to or deleted from the database. If you leave the page prior to the Completion step, your changes/deletions will not be recorded in the database and will need to be re-done. Note that SMMware does not currently follow an ‘auto-save’ model.

Throughout the manual, note sections like this below, providing links to relevant YouTube videos:

Watch our YouTube video about creating a shortcut on the desktop for your Apple device at https://youtu.be/36S4WjDZKVQ
(if this link is broken because we’ve posted a new version, go to our channel at https://www.youtube.com/SMMware to get to the new video)


To use SMMware, you will need the following:

Access to the Internet.

A web browser.

Cookies must be allowed (to maintain your login state).

Popup windows must be allowed (for help screens).

Mobile devices to have a minimum width of 750px in portrait mode.
